
Showing posts from March, 2017

Nạp năng lượng cho nước uống và thực phẩm

Nạp năng lượng cho nước uống và thực phẩm Mọi vật chất đều có khả năng nhận, dự trữ và phát đi năng lượng. Đặc tính này được Mesmer nêu lên trong các mệnh đề của mình, bây giờ chúng ta đề cập đến việc nạp năng lượng cho thực phẩm và đồ uống. Thực phẩm chứa đựng những thành phần bổ dưỡng nhưng cũng mang theo các thành phần phi vật chất chứa năng lượng sống mà người Ấn Độ gọi là Prana. Nó có tính chất trung tính, không có chủ tâm đặc biệt. Năng lượng của con người chồng lên cái năng lượng này, không làm cho nó biến chất mà làm cho nó sống động và dễ đồng hóa hơn. Nạp năng lượng cho thực phẩm là chúng ta đã thêm vào đó sức mạnh của tư tưởng mang theo một ý định rõ ràng cho sức sống của thực phẩm. Đưa năng lượng vào thực phẩm có thể được thực hiện trong bữa ăn hay trong lúc chuẩn bị cho bữa ăn. Năng lượng không giảm sút khi bị đun nóng, như vậy có thể nạp năng lượng vào các thức ăn nóng trong đĩa ăn ngay trước khi ăn. Cần ghi nhận là năng lượng giữ lại tất cả giá trị khi được t

10 Tested Methods of Raising Your Vibration

10 Tested Methods of Raising Your Vibration By Michelle Walling How can we be impervious to chemtrails, GMO’s, radiation poisoning, and cancer? We can make changes in our life that will vibrate it out of our existence. There are suggested methods of raising your vibration that can guarantee that you will be on the highest vibrating version. Beyond the basics Eventually the planet will separate into two versions of itself through vibration, according to Dolores Cannon. One will remain in the lower 3D consciousness of fear and negativity as it is now, while a whole "New Earth" will be created of a 5D consciousness that will resonate with positive vibrations and awakening. In order to move into the 5d Earth, raising your vibration is one of the most important things you can do at this time. Many articles and books have been written on how to raise your vibration. There are some great methods such as singing, meditation, exercise, and laughter that are c

High Frequency Vibration

High Frequency Vibration by Mae McCaw So what does it mean to be “high frequency” or “high vibration”? There was a study done by Dr. Hawkins on “Measuring Consciousness Levels”. According to Hawkins, humans vibrate at an average scale BELOW 200 (in which they commonly exhibit emotions such as Pride, Anger, Desire, Fear, etc.) The collective human consciousness, however, vibrates at just ABOVE 200. How is this possible when the average is below 200? This is due to those who vibrate at much higher frequencies which counterbalance negative energies of lower vibration. Vibrations in the 200-400 scale represent Courage, Neutrality (“walking the middle path”), Willingness, Acceptance and Reason while others vibrate on the scale of Love (500), Joy (540), Peace (600) and Enlightenment (700-1000 e.g. Ascended Masters Buddha, Jesus, Krishna or other Enlightened embodied human). An individual who vibrates at the level of Love (500) can counterbalance the energy of 750,000 people! Those

Here’s How It Works…

Here’s How It Works… It is believed that when an organ is diseased, they fail to vibrate at their resonant frequency. Sounds wave energy frequencies are based upon the sacred geometry of frequencies of minerals, vitamins, noble gases, amino acids and hormones. When the organs and cells of the body become diseased, they are no longer vibrating at their resonant frequency. These diseased areas of the body are no longer producing their inherent bio-resonant sound waves. Instead of addressing the organ with a chemical drug, or removing it from the body, SWE therapy is able to correct the rate of vibration with sound waves and bring the body back to a healthy state of resonance. By producing specific low energetic frequencies (15-30Hz) that resonate with these minerals, vitamins, noble gases, amino acids and hormones, the body will resonate with these frequencies and absorb these essential compounds while restoring overall balance to the body. The therapy involves being around the

About Sound Wave Energy Therapy

About Sound Wave Energy Therapy Sound Wave Energy is an alternative method that harnesses the energy of sound waves to restore a full spectrum of vibrational energy to the human body. This type of sound therapy encompasses waves and frequencies that produce resonance. Sound is one of the most ancient healing forms and was traditionally used by indigenous societies around the world in the form of mantras, chants, drumming, and more – activities long connected to healing, religion, and sounds of nature. It is no secret that the society we live in produces stress, anxiety and sleep deprivation, all of which are often difficult to overcome. Sound wave energy therapy can do wonders for “shutting off” the mind and restoring balance on multiple levels of human consciousness. Created by French-Canadian Nicole LaVoie after a culmination of 8 years of study and exploration into related fields, this energy therapy is based on the principle of resonance at work and energy of sounds in